Continuing from the corner garden in the unnamed park, Dave reads from French symbolist (and hopeless romantic) Charles Baudelaire who continues with Joseph Conrad themes of ships, youth and beauty with a piece called “The Beautiful Ship” before gracefully giving way to a song by The Black Tories. Board the vessel for: Baudelaire Considers Ships,...

Continuing from the corner garden in the unnamed park, Dave reads from French symbolist (and hopeless romantic) Charles Baudelaire who continues with Joseph Conrad themes of ships, youth and beauty with a piece called “The Beautiful Ship” before gracefully giving way to a song by The Black Tories.

Board the vessel for: Baudelaire Considers Ships, Youth and Beauty – Postcard #32 (.mp3, 18MB, 6:10)

Fishing boat, awaiting crew for an unromantic journey in Steveson, BC


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