*whinnies seductively* Whoa there, easy girl, it's only a new episode of Post Unavailable this time featuring our evil friend Heather, whose attempts to derail the episode by namedropping everyone we know personally ain't enough to keep us from scrolling endlessly through Fiverr and starting a new SpongeBob podcast. We also talk about Craig the cuck, stunting growth, real horses, doxxing, celebrity interactions, female American Psycho, Nova Scotian murder rate, goblin cock, Buffalo Wild Drakes, Fiverr gem cutters, replacing co hosts, the intro, Seven Fifteenerr, horsegirl trotting, the Ebenezer Scrooge set up, the 300th SpongeBob episode, Krusty Towers, bidet hands, Sumo wrestler toilets, ass shit disease, plunger annual spend, the nasty patty, and the Spongebob Wives. Now git out o' here ya ding dang horse thieves.

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