Previous Episode: PGR104 - I'm Awesome
Next Episode: E3 2010 - The Recap

With E3 right around the corner, the Post Game Report has some predictions for you. Some bold, some beautiful, some good, some bad, some outright ugly. SugarFree hosts JVB, SoldierX, Phoenix410 and HeroicSuperman for another week of banter, jokes and the occasional comment on something video game related. Before the E3 talk we have some thoughts on the iPhone 4 and whatever the heck Mortal Kombat: Rebirth is.

As an appetizer for E3 2010, we each highlight a disappointment from E3 2009. For the main course: predictions for Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony with a few miscellaneous predictions sprinkled on top. You might not want to listen to this podcast while you are driving. One prediction in particular will cause traffic accidents. And did I mention that the Godfather, Parris is back again this week? Oh, well he is. You're welcome.

As always, leave us feedback at our email address - [email protected] and please rate us on iTunes and the Zune Marketplace.