Previous Episode: EP. 97 Edge of Tomorrow
Next Episode: EP. 99 Class of 1999

Ak ak! Aaak ak ak! Don't run! They are our friends! On this week's episode of The Post Credits Podcast, Matt and Brian are talking about alien invasions again with a discussion about Mars Attacks! The hosts talk about the movie's origin from trading cards, how this movie is great for the 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon, the major advancement in technology from when Matt and Brian were kids until now, how Mars Attacks inspired so much they weren't aware of, how the old generation looks down on the new and up and coming one, the competitive antics shown by Hollywood's block busting nature of having the same but different movie hit the theaters in the same year along with so much more! Show support by showing the international sign of the donut and then hit that play button! Ak ak!