TODAY is the day you can listen to Episode 04 of The Post Adoption Podcast. This episode is timely. We are grieving right now. This conversation with Seana Reavis will encourage you. We talk about grief we may not even realize is there. You may have even deeper grief coming to light right now and we want to equip you to lean into that today and moving forward from here. 


Seana Reavis brings much wisdom to our conversation as an adoptive mom, adoptee herself, Pastor’s wife, author, and health coach. You can and should purchase her book: Blessed Are the Different: Biblical Answers for Human Questions. You can click here to view and purchase on amazon. 


We encourage you to give us a rating on ITUNES and share about the podcast where ever you can use #postadoptionpodcast or tag us on instagram @postadoption. 


Please remember The Post Adoption Podcast is meant to be a supplement for you to start conversations amongst you and your spouse or support system. This should never make up for a conversation with your therapist or healthcare professional.