Forget the Steam Link by Valve or NVIDIA Shield to stream your PC games! With a little bit of setup you can get GameStream working on a Raspberry Pi today! Setup: You will first need to install the latest Rasbian from here: Next download Limelight Embedded. Grab the latest limelight.jar and from here: … Continue reading Streaming PC Games to the Raspberry Pi

Forget the Steam Link by Valve or NVIDIA Shield to stream your PC games! With a little bit of setup you can get GameStream working on a Raspberry Pi today!


You will first need to install the latest Rasbian from here:

Next download Limelight Embedded. Grab the latest limelight.jar and from here:

Make sure that your gaming PC has an NVIDIA GTX 600+ graphics card and GeForce Experience installed.


To make things easier, enable SSH on the RPi and tunnel in to the machine. Here are some useful commands:

List compatible PCs

java -jar limelight.jar list

Pair with PC

java -jar limelight.jar pair PC-IP

Map a controller

java -jar limelight.jar map -input /dev/input/eventX

Start streaming

java -jar limelight.jar stream -1080/720 -60fps/30fps PC-IP -app Steam -mapping

Make sure to check the Limelight help file in case things have changed since this post!

Download the episode from here.

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