Today’s podcast is with Aaron Kennard, author of The Positive Thinking Secret, and Affirm Your Truth: A 30-Day Mental Transformation from Stressed, Anxious, or Depressed – to Happy, Hopeful, and Full of Peace, and host of the fantastic podcast, The Truly Amazing Life Show.

Aaron’s message is that life is meant to be experienced and lived fully today. Yet that seems to be the hardest challenge most people face. Always searching and grasping for more happiness in the future sometime.

Aaron’s goal is to help others live a Truly Amazing Life. But contrary to popular belief, that is a matter of habit. Developing the essential habits of happiness and fulfillment is the best way to overcome depression, despair, distraction, drifting, mediocrity, and a host of other painful states – and to live a life of fulfillment and joy every single day. Aaron’s entire focus is to create systems & tools that you can implement to help you develop life-altering habits.

When not writing, Aaron can be found skiing, running, biking or playing with his four children and his amazing wife.