I interview the wonderfully insightful Stephen Aish, who has an extensive international coaching background in strength and power sports and holds British and world records in all-round weightlifting.


Steve’s focus is now on helping people understand Not just the impact we can have on our mind, but the impact it has on us every minute of every day. Through awareness, we can all achieve inner peace and share abundance with the world.


We get into the nitty gritty of what it really means to be positively selfish, knowing yourself, fears in life and how to actually identify ways in which you can truly WIN at life.


Check Stephen out:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/stephenaish

Instagram: www.instagram.com/themindsetcoachingacademy

Website: https://www.thestrengthacademy.com/about_us.html

Website: https://www.thestrengthacademy.com/testimonials.html

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephenaishmindset/