Preparing for tax season is a year long ongoing process for start up and established business owners. 
Joins us as Mrs. Renea Baylor gives us tips and tools to help us develop solid strategies that prepare us for the tax season.
Entrepreneur | Innovator | Business Leader
Mrs. Baylor is more than an Entrepreneur, she is The Rainmaker Entrepreneur!
She has surpassed most of her childhood dreams, with her ability to become the extension of her community and the success of her clients she assist every day.

Over the past few years her business grew as did her name recognition in the Northeastern Ohio region.

In her first three years in business she retained over 2,000 individuals and businesses an unheard of number for an accounting firm with only one sales person – Mrs. Baylor!

She has 15 years as a successful Business Owner with 4 offices located throughout the Great State of Ohio; A Multimillion dollar business developer and advisor; including 25 years in the accounting, taxation, auditing, and business advisory field; *A National Certified NX Level Business Plan Instructor