Who:   Kari Driskell - Video Guru

What We Talked About:  How to start doing video now.  Kari revealed 8 tips for creating great video using nothing but your cell phone.  These are real “train your brain” tips too!  It’s so easy to do video when you get your mindset in the game and Kari shows you how it can be fun and easy!

Why I Like Kari:  She is fun!  When you hear how easy her tips are, you really want to just jump up and do a video.  She is a big proponent of “learn-as-you-go”, but starting out with Kari’s tips will give you a running start. I know you’ll enjoy her energy and style as much as I do.

Great Line:   Just stand up and press record.

Where to Learn More:  http://www.driskotech.com
