Who:  Andrea Vahl - Speaker, Social Media Strategist and Coach, Author of Facebook Marketing for Dummies, and creator of Grandma Mary

What We Talked About:  How to bring more creativity and more of YOU to your business.  Andrea reveals how she took a risk, did something different from everyone else in the Facebook marketing space, and created the character, Grandma Mary.  She explains why it’s so important to take a risk and follow your ideas to fruition and she gives practical advice for making that happen.

Why I Like Andrea:  As a former improv comic, it won’t come as any surprise that Andrea is brave.  Well, she’s taken that same courage and creativity and brought it to her business.  She was willing to follow through with the idea of edutainer, Grandma Mary, even when others told her she was crazy or that the idea was “weird.”  Andrea shows what happens when you trust your instincts and follow your inner voice rather than listening to the peanut gallery.

Great Line:   What matters is understanding what is fun for you.

Where to Learn More:  http://www.andreavahl.com
