Who:  Deb Erickson - Speaker, Trainer, and Founder of  I Can Institute

What We Talked About:  How to be a coach and how to be coached yourself.  As a master coach herself, Deb shared the three “readable” moments any coach can experience and what to deliver to your client during those moments.  She also shared who should be coached and why and the one thing you can do to shift your energy right now.

Why I Like Deb:  Deb has a way of delivering information in easy, bite-sized pieces using verbiage that is memorable.  While her background is in direct sales and network marketing, she’s a teacher who can help any coach raise the level of their game.

Great Line:  Sometimes the best coaches act like Columbo, because they’re good at asking questions and listening.

Where to Learn More:  http://www.icaninstitute.com

