But first, I'm gonna give you a narrative prior to watching this video so you can put it in perspective on the emotion that they're trying to generate. Let's first understand what AMLO did and said he attacked the Republican party because in United States, Mexicans are waking up and drifting away from the Democrat party.

Ceaser   Chavez really wanted to bind him. He really trusted the Democrat party to give him. Give Mexicans a break in opportunities. But the reality is Cheez Chavez didn't realize that Mexicans were being counted in the US census until 1970. So SI Chavez didn't quite understand the power of what happens when you're not counted in the US census.

A president in the United States in 1930 said he was for the Mexicans. He counted the Mexicans, the Chicanos, and the US census. But once. He stopped counting them until Richard Nixon did it a Republican in 1970. I'm not saying either party is good or bad, I'm saying you have to look at how they're treating Mexicans and then make your decision on what you're gonna do next.

Because we've been 40 years, 50 years since I've been alive, I've hoped and dreamt that Mexicans could ride. So we rose, but we only rose to this level. We could never get to the next level, and there's a reason. , please watch this video, put it in perspective, and then I'm gonna talk after. And, um, they're trying to, um, start persuading people or getting that idea to start invading Mexico.

Um, let me make one thing, one thing clear, um, Ms. Patriot as it gets, but make no. I'm a Mexican and I will defend my country, and two mistakes gonna happen again. Um, as the video that I stitched, um, what Santana did to Mexico was wrongful. What the US did to Mexicans was wrong to the Native Americans, was completely.

and I'm starting to, um, you know, it was one of those advocating that let them talk, you know, let them But enough is enough. Enough is enough with this mediocre mentality, ideologies that us things that can fucking get away with anything. No, and I seen a lot of fucking videos where they're making jokes about, you know, they kill a lot of fucking innocent people.

You fucking mor. A lot of fucking innocent people died, all because of the fucking land. This fucking morons, ignorant white sons of bitches wanted. Like I said, I, I'll defend this country, but once you start infiltrating my country, we're gonna have some.

This guy video is propagated up to thousands of views on purpose, but as it sells the narrative, he's saying something. They want them to say what he, what they're saying is he's getting angry and said, I'm gonna attack, I'm gonna attack, I'm gonna fight. Because that's what they want. They want the divide between Mexicans on both sides of the Rio.

When AMLO said Republicans, he did so, but he wants us to fight amongst ourselves in the United States instead of maintain the power that we have. So he's selling a narrative. And the narrative is really simple. The United States wants to steal again, the resources in Mexico, so they're trying to divide the people.

They're trying to put a person in office named Chaia kba, who clearly is nothing but a globalist. She's a passive person like Trudeau. She's a passive person like the California governor. The all people and politicians that will do what they say so they can get what they want. . So we have to be smarter than that.

When Caesar Chaz in 1980 in the Goodwills, oh my God, I forget their name. In his speech when the last major speech in San, in San Diego, he did so thinking the Republican party was against him. Cause he's right because all the land at the time was owned by Republicans in Mexico all the way to California, United.

But he went to the Democrat party and the Democratic didn't help him. In 1930 when it was a Democratic president, he said he was for the Mexicans, but then when the US Census counted the Mexicans, he didn't count the Mexicans ever again in the US census. In fact, that wasn't an official count, so they still counted on everything before them.

It wasn't until 1970 the Mexicans started being. And it was in 1980, we became Latinos once again dividing us amongst the people of both sides. The Rio in Mexico. The reason why the Mexican politicians don't C side with the Chicanos is because of power. There's 120 million Mexicans united in Mexico, 1%, maybe 1.2.

Have money and they control all of the Mexico. Last year, last election, they said 60 million Mexicans voted. It's impossible because 60 million Mexicans of that only 1 million if that can read and. The 60 million's wrong. I know, but I'm just saying the co, the number of voters was absolutely upside down cuz they're using these horrible computers to count and to manipulate votes.

And that's how they got this globalist mayor who was from the United Nations, not even living at U N M anymore to be mayor. And now they're trying to push her to being the president for the same darn. What AMLO said the other day is absolutely right. When he injected Republicans, he was absolutely wrong because he wants to divide the Mexicans in the United States with anger, just like that video just showed us because in Mexico, the pride is great for our culture.

In the United States, Mexicans are proud of who they. This isn't a fight against Mexicans, don't let it be. This is a fight against the Democrat Party and those in the liberal, in the Republican party who are in the middle who want to maintain power and they fear us. Mexicans on both sides of the Rio don't get this messed.

Put them in perspective. It's time to play chess, not checkers.