Answer quite a bit of them with the content that I'm gonna be delivered to you, but if I don't, I'll catch you up on the q and a at the end. All right. Also got some bonuses for you. Here's the first one. If you stick around with me to the end, I'm gonna share with you the templates that I use in my own speaking business for my discovery calls.

And my pro proposal emails, I do, uh, several of these discovery calls every single week, which result in several proposals going out every single week. I'm going to share my process with you. In fact, I actually looked at what I booked over the last several months. Uh, in January, I booked $15,000 in speaker fees, uh, in November rather than January I booked 10,000.

and, uh, and so I'm just, uh, using this process with every one of those individuals. All right. I'm going to share it with you, but you have a stick around to the end. That's the catch. Right? So maybe you've heard of Grant, perhaps you've heard of the speaker a lot, but I just wanna get us all on the same page here for a moment.

So, grant Baldwin is the founder of the Speaker Lab. He's our multiple seven figures and speaks over 750 paid gigs. These. Thousand live presentations. He's spoken in 46 states. He's the author of the successful speaker and the host of the Speaker Lab podcast, and he's worked with, coached, and trained thousands of speakers.

Now, these are fun facts. We like sharing them with you, but if Grant were here right now, he'd tell you he did not start out that way. In fact, when Grant got started,  in 2006. He was just a normal dude: no crazy backstory, no celebrity following. Just had a message to share and a dream to make it happen. Maybe this is where you're at.

Maybe this is how you feel as well. Well, uh, after 10 years of trial and error and all of those speaking events later, grant started developing a system for himself. To get booked and paid consistently. Right now, that system that he built for himself is what ultimately became the inspiration form the Speaker Lab.

Right? So maybe you felt frustrated, overwhelmed, stressed with your speaking business. I have been there. Grant has been there. Well, the Speaker Lab is the resource that Grant wished that he had at every step of growing and developing his speaking business, right? So it's kinda the genesis of the Speaker lab.

So speaking of the speaker lab, some fun facts. We were founded in 2016. Since then, we've helped over 10,000 speaker. That's a lot. That's a big number Of those 10,000, they represent all 50 states. We are even have speakers in 50 different countries around the world. They've gone on to speak at thousands of events, impacting millions of audience members and earning millions of dollars.

One of the other really cool things about the speaker lab is that we made the ink of 5,000 this for a second year in a row, and based on the 2022 outcomes, we'll think we're gonna do it again. We'll find out this summer for a third year, and this just continues to strengthen and legitimize the work that we're.

each and every day with students all over the world. Now again, these are fun facts about the speaker lab. Um, and, uh, but at the end of the day, it's not really what guides us and drives us. What guides us and drives us is the impact that these speakers are having and the ripple effect that their work is having.

That's what guides us in our mission to give speakers clarity, confidence, and a clear path. An impact. All right, so that's a bit about Grant and the speaker lab. Now I wanna share just a little bit about me and my story. Welcome. Good morning. If you're just joining us, I'm glad that you're here. My name's Dan Ier.

I'm a professional speaker. I travel the country working with organizations, corporations, associations on how to live more consciously, intentional, and I have several keynote notes and workshops that I do in that space. When I'm not doing that, and I'm not with my family, I am here at the Speaker Lab as one of the resident speaker.

And executive coaches get getting to do some of these fun things like these webinars. I enjoy doing these. These are a lot of fun for me. Uh, and so I'm excited to share just a bit about me first on the personal side, here's a picture of my wife and I and our three crazy kids from one of the summer vacations we took this past summers.

That's the personal side. On the professional side, I've worked over 20 years in the corporate environment. I was just climbing the corporate ladder until October of 2019. I was laid off of my C-suite position. At that point in time, I just decided to go all in on building my speaking business. I wanted to build something for me.

Maybe this is where you're at. You're like, you wanna start building something for yourself. Well, that's where I was a couple years ago. And so I started to do it. And then I struggled in the beginning, like I was putting, trying to put the pieces together myself and, uh, don't get me wrong, like I was making some headway, but it felt like every time I took a step forward, I ended up taking two back because I didn't know what I didn't know.

Right. I just didn't know. Well, long story short, that's how I found the Speed Lab and once I realized that the Speaker Lab had a plan and a process and all I had to do was get on board with that plan and that process, I was hooked. I was all in, and I jumped in with both feet. And then several months later I actually started working here with Grant at the Speaker Lab, and it's just this incredible fit where I get to continue to grow and develop my speaking business, which I'm doing, and it's going fantastically well.

I get to do that while working with individual. Just like you all over the world, they're looking to do the exact same thing. There's a, uh, exact same thing. There's a picture of me there in the middle grant on the right. Our director of marketing there, Chris on the left. And so what did I do? I just continued to work the process that I was coached and trained.

I continued to learn and speak in things just really started to take off for me. Uh, in fact, I wanna share with you just the speaker fees that I've charged just with my last couple clients. 7,000, 10,000 and 12,500 for single. , which is pretty awesome. So why do I share all that with you? I share it all with you because I believe you can do the exact same thing.

I'm just following the process. I'm just following the plan. I got the coaching and the training that the speaker lab offers, so I'm excited to share that with you and I believe that you can do the exact same thing. Which leads me into my first question. I always love this question. Uh, tell me in the chat, remember I told you I got three or four questions.

This is the first one. What would being a speaker allow you to do that you currently cannot? . In other words, what's striving you, what's motivating you? Maybe it's the reason why you're here this morning with me. Tell me in the chat, what would being a speaker allow you to do that you currently can't? The reason I'm asking this question is that one, you need to have an answer to this question.

Number two is that I want you to be thinking about it as we're going through our time together today. So share with me in the chat the answer to this question.

By the way, my coffee machine broke this morning, and so I had to make a quick run down the.

Because kicking off the morning without coffee just not an option. Just not an option. Uh, alright. Um, let's see, man, we've got some good answers coming in here. I got some great answers coming in here. I think Evelyn got in first. Actually. Evelyn says, I'd love to be able to become financially independent.

Ooh, I like that one. Johan says, not having to see a boss every day, you just gotta look at the mirror. I guess Johann is really what it comes down to. As long as you're okay with that. Uh, and then also he said, more time with family. Doing more of what I love. Walt says, freedom made me think of Braveheart, Walt Freedom.

Okay, uh, uh, Marcy said the exact same thing. Freedom. I love it. Um, Russell says, improved mental wellness to a larger audience. So I assume Russell, that's what you wanna speak on. So really that's that connection, like what you're passionate about, connecting with other people. I love it. Uh, Melissa says, get paid to work on my own.

I love that, Melissa. I also see the long thing that you put in there. I love everything that you put in there. That's awesome. Um, reaching more of an audience and impacting more lives. Cameron says there's that connection and impact. Um, Finance looks like, uh, David, you got some financial goals, debt and, uh, some other financial investments you wanna make.

That's awesome. Being a service to others, there's that impact that Victor's talking about. Uh, and it goes on and on. Okay. Okay. You guys are crushing this. You guys are absolutely crushing this. The reason that, uh, again, I asked this question is because you need to have an answer to it. The reason that I, I read through several of them is cuz maybe you don't have an answer to it because maybe you didn't respond and you don't have an answer.

So I wanted to give you some ideas of what that answer might look.