We all have people in life that stimulate our mind and how they happen to come into our life is always sometimes precarious. So my Hungarian Jewish Hungarian friend older, we have these daily talks sometimes and sometimes weekly, monthly, bimonthly. But it's always good because he's so full and rich with.

And fun. Here's our message to you. Have a good listen. It's relative. And today what is, what the progresso did, reversing the two words. But as I told you and you concurred with me, that it's impossible to put those two words in the same sentence, in the same breath. One reason only three words. Once you are a socialist, you are tyrant my way or a highway.

And the two best examples for you. I'm surprised you read that so well. I can even determine by you getting that pseudonym so these lefties wouldn't know and traced you. I truly tip my head. You're not a girl to get compliments, but this was smart. No, Mike, nobody can. Yeah the, smartest one can figure out who is nana.

Nana is a lady's whether she's a babysitter, . Anyway, why I am telling you this, because these two examples tell you all a when Judge Kava the, Roe versus Wade happened. All these lunatics. They woke idiots, the Antifa and all these, they marched in front of his home wanting to hang him, right?

And the second one is even a better proof. And you know this in your dreams, if you take 1000 children and 1000 PA parents, right? Which side?  you can't even say it with a straight face would agree. No, first, which side would not even allow the grandchildren to visit the children much less. They would never go at the same Christmas table together.

It's not 50, 60, 70%, it's 110% clear cut. Because a conservative would never turn away from a. No of course. Can you find better examples than these two ? It's, rather simple once you get past the, how do you say it? The, once you get past the illogic, it's very logical, right?

No question. But the problem is you get stuck in the illogic rather easily because that's an emotional thing. illogic is always an emotional thing. I don't know when we originally met, if I mentioned to you this about our country versus Israel. Regarding Trump, did I ever mention to you, because I don't wanna repeat myself.

No, I don't remember we we met at my house in Santa Monica, in front of my house in Santa Monica. You the one who opened my eyes. Susan Rosenberg, when I mentioned to you, you said she lives in our neck of the woods. That stunned me, . It's funny how, it's funny how I can tell you how I learned English.

It's funny how you read memory one. And of course, those four years Latin in medical school made me beat 95% of these college idiots in the game of Scrabble , but in advance and in master rooms. Mike. Then that's my pastime. I think I may have mentioned to you that in America, the television, the entire media, New York, slimes, LA Times, all the constipated network news work,  like Mike Levine co.

That's I, he coined the words, not me. . Yes. Yes. . The reason I listen to him, you may even know this about him. He's the best US Constitutional attorney. Yeah. Bar. Mike Levine. Yeah. He even, he started I think, ner serving in Nixon administration. Correct. Anyway as far as knowing the Progresso of course Dennis Prager incredible knowledge, but I, he changed my mind actually one day.

You know why? Because he gave the title. David Horowitz. Oh, with him? Yeah. Why? Because he, came from a communist family, right? Incidentally, speaking of communist family, who do you think Vagina Giggles father is? Who? The re You don't know who Vagina Giggles is? No. You are the humorist. . Tell me who paved her way all the way to the.

Through what? You stumped Kamala No way. At age 29. You're not aware. She was the conine of Willie Brown in San Francisco. Oh, I knew that. Okay. So from then on, and when first word came out that the Progresso may pushed push her in the White House, Willie Brown was vehemently against.

He knows that she's a empty skirt. She is a, airhead complete. You notice anytime she doesn't have an answer, what does she do? Giggles. Incessantly. . Yes. The clown, that's part of their, plan though, right? Is to put people who don't have original thoughts, but are good actors. Look at a question to you, Mike.

Yeah I'm, having my cereal now. Yeah. Do you Recall or have you seen? Cuz I never watched tv. I played the game of Scrabble with all around the world on pogo.com and it's not like word with friends heck, you have a half a day to think of a word. No, it's competitive chess. 45 seconds to two minutes, you lose a turn

Nah. Way life should. Why I am asking you who is running the country? Of course, everybody knows that the corpse, like B, BBC calls him the corpse, not me. Look, just two best examples for you. When a person says that he's been 160 years in Senate, hello, four lifetimes, Yeah. And the second biggest doozy, he said, you may have heard it maybe not about a year ago, he said The first time since World War II, Putin invaded Russia.

Hello? His own country. Yeah.  is obl. There's no question about that. But the reason I mentioned to you about Barak Hussein, Because he was on  show and I got it. I read news in couple languages, right? I got this clip on the internet and I had to put it on my telephone. It's about a 32nd clip, and if you haven't heard it, I'll play it to you now.

That's what I'm looking for, where he says, the question came, Mr. President, have you ever considered the third term? Now, here is verbatim what he. This doesn't show the whole thing, but I remember him saying the following, actually, many, many a times, I am missing the camaraderie. And if I could be sitting in a basement in my jogging suit and two earpieces and they'll implement my ideas, I'll be fine with that.

what do you think of? That's happening so officially, it's his third term. I'm sorry, unofficially. The fact is his first two terms were a failure, right? There's no question. So the question 1%, g d p, the worst in history. So this validates that his ego is bigger than his mind.

There is no question. And but, The issue is, I've con come to the conclusion, and I've always said this, he is the weakest link because of, the same reasons that in the old parable, the giant fell. Right? Because you gotta realize as the ego grows, so does the everything else diminish because we can always only work at a capacity of a hundred percent.

He is the weakest link. Now, what's putting that in front of him? We already know. We see the world economic, we see all the things that's happening. We're seeing the plan. The plan is pretty obvious because it's getting toward the end. Not of end times, I just mean the end of their plan. You see what's happening in Canada, you see why they want Newsom there.

You see why they're gonna push him out, biting out so they can put Newsom in there so they can have a, what they want is, America to be a puppet, right? They're trying to, in Mexico, they're trying to implement a Mexican woman who's the mayor here, who's just a puppet, Uhhuh once again, right? So, they're putting puppet masters.

They're not even masters. They're puppets and, they have faces and ideas that are very against the people, but at the same time, that is how they've done it. They've done it by manipulating the ego to want to succeed, which is natural. But I, still have a question though. You're a, deep philosopher of, knowledge.

What's the end? The people who are manipulating all this, I'll tell you what, when you see around us now, left center, whatever, 79% of the population don't like to pay 9 99 for 18 x in the 99 cents. They see what's happening. They don't need to be awakened, yeah. That's one. So that's why it cannot continue.

And look again in, I surmise to you the last 24 months, in just one example, I believe it's as clear as daylight. At first, if you remember, it was 6.8 trillion wasted, right? Now they added another 1.8. So yeah. Subsequently, after 8.3 trillion wasted. Zero accomplished absolute zero. They can't. Now they throw the word infrastructure.

That's bullshit because the best example really tells you how big of a liars they are. , your best example is what? That 450. If you look at that. Package that has four 4,500 pages, you know that nobody . It's like Nancy Pelosi said, if you remember several years ago, you have to pass it to see what's in the bill, to have the time to read.

It's for given to Arab countries to protect their border. When I don't have to reiterate to you how porous ours is because zero control. 750 terrorists marched across this last year and 5 million people from 38 countries just marched through you to remember. There is no country on universe other than if, you look into it Canada, that has no borders because they are our baby brother.

If anybody lifts a pinky against Canada, we are right there with, this Ukraine situation I, do know that we are going overboard because I read a speech by it's, he sounded like a no. His name is, either probably Chinese, whoever is the head of un, he was saying that Ukraine has no borders, which is very true.

It's not a separate country. It was over. It was part of what Union of Soviet social. Yeah. Former US Russia. One thing is for sure that Crimea always belonged to Russia. Since Catherine the Great, I may have even mentioned that to you before. But Ukraine, there are two places, Donbass and Donk.

I would say almost 10 out of 10 people, Russian speakers, so Ukraine simply took advantage of them because they were attacking them and they treated them like third class citizens. But the rest, Putin is a thug. Goes without saying. Just look at his background. Out of kgb in the most vulnerable, as I told you before in, the world Eastern Germany and the Americans were shedding crocodile tears about 30,000 American soldiers.

Yeah, I learned in Soviet army that there were three quarter million Russian soldiers on that border. Wow. For the, they had a good reason. If I give you the numbers, America says 20 million Russians lost lives. It's twice as many. Wow. So Zov the one in charge who finally totally crushed the Germans.

Zov said when they mo hoisted the flag over Hitler's bunker, that in Russian. We going to erase the Germans from face of the map. Wow. That's the reason for, and this, number, I'm giving you three quarter million I heard in 1967 during the Mid East War because Russia was like two peas in a pod or, like my former managers say they were tight as frog pussy  with with, them.

Oh my God, that I learned English in the hood 38th and Crenshaw . So matter of fact since you are not a brother, you may even be stunned. What I what in a humorous way. No, actually, it's a jargon because 99% of Huns, they call us , were lost. I'll remind you the incident. You definitely know it. It took.

When Schmo Bamba, as always jumped into conclusion, racism, the call came in when Skip Gates, the professor in Chicago lost his keys coming back from a trip and across the street the neighbors called in. Two people burglarizing a home. When he heard that he stepped on his Dali, like this black man called his feet , he quickly invited them.

This part you million percent aware of the beer fest in the White House, right? To make peace between. Luckily, one of those three cops was a brother. Otherwise, this would've never happened. This. The professor Gates and his body broke the bag last somehow. They were indoors already. The man in charge, Sergeant Crow, walked over the, window and, him peeking out.

He asked him politely. Professor Gates kindly step out on the porch for four or five minutes, and my nephew, captain. Michael Weiss in New York is a police captain. It's customary on a burglary. You For last time they have to check every nook and cranny because the accomplice may be hiding. Lurking in the closet.

His answer was the cause for the arrest. That's when the black cop spoke up and says, Sarge, I'm putting the shackles on this man. Let him mouth off down. So just to teach him a lesson formality, as you can imagine, they hauled his ass downtown quarters. There are tens of thousands of jokes. , I'll put it on the plate for you.

Your mama is so fat. Yo mama is so ugly. I have to hang pork ups on her ears for my dog to play with her . But in this case, what is your opinion? What was yo mama. I step out for yo mama . That was the answer. My god. So the black cop spoke up? Yeah. You talk to an average white person. They'll say he offended him.

That's quite ambiguous. , what do you think it meant that it warranted the rest. When I told this to a black pen, he couldn't stop laughing for five minutes. Yeah, , he got it. Of course. You know it meant what it actually meant is, I'll step out for your mama who's a who is a, putta

not for you. Fool. These are the nuances. Rest are simple. No, I truly understand. American Colloquialism. Yeah, . But let's, I was regarding languages. I happen to be a linguist because folks are much better in mathematics. Algebra, not me. Weakest. Now this, you must recall when we first met, and you mentioned to me that you're moving in a few months in Mexico, right?

I told you're gonna be lost even though you have Spanish descent, but your English is so impeccable. I don't think you understand Spanish and you're correct what you do. And I'm surprised. So you know what that tells me? Put you in Hungary. And it Eight, eight months you speak Hungarian? Yeah. . I loved Hungary though.

They were the first ones to stand up against Stalin's regime, yeah, I know. Hungary was that when I went there, it was a very fascinating I, don't know why I became engrossed by it. I really, I just did, I didn't go to, I, and I didn't even go to, the bad parts where the parts, everything happened.

I was there, I just didn't go in. I just was engrossed by everything about it. I don't know why. Then they told me that Hungary was the Mexico of Europe . And I'm like, okay. Oh, maybe that's why , GWE, Mexico of Europe. In what regard? I, didn't get it. The poor. The poor and the manufacturing. And they used to, they the poor that are there in Hungary and that they went up the workers.

Workers in Hungary. Yeah. That they were in the past, in the history. I don't know in history or how well you understood it, but Hungary was little America for Russians. Yeah, I know that. Everything. No, We lived, you know how far we lived from Hungary. How about 10 kilometers. Oh, wow. Which is less than six miles.

Yeah. First of all, I learned here in America, this was telling you that come September of 1945,

he was of Georgia and descent. Of course, Stalin gave a nice present. To the capital of Transcarpathian region is exactly where I'm from, where my wife was born in the capital ua, and I am from a small Hungarian town where 100% Hungarians. Nobody even spoke any Russian. You ask how to get to the nearest post office and you'll be lost.

Because we had six Hungarian schools, one Ukrainian, and one Russian. As you can imagine. For children of border patrol offices so that's where my mama enrolled me. But to show you that I'm not exaggerating about being a linguist if, look, if until age 26, I haven't spoken three words of English, and yet by 1976 when I was already managing the dealer.

And when you work in a mamma papa store, you know you overworked and underpaid. I had to write those contracts, Mike, not in Majo, my mother tongue, Hungarian. It's called Mojo because even the country is called Mojo is the nation. Ah, SAG is the country. So thus the word is . Hungary in, in Hungarian. So why?

I'm telling you, not in that my language not Russian, Ukrainian, as you can imagine, was forced on us in the Ukrainian Soviet tripa. But in English, I never made a mistake because that's a dealer's biggest nightmare, right? And if there were no computers, And what you may not realize, a dealer loses practically half of the car value and there's no point going to lawyers.

It even cost double. In other words, worst nightmare the dealer cannot imagine than an unwind, meaning the customer takes the car Next day the bank is telling me that the down payment should be instead of 2,500 3,500 or the credit was weak. In those days you didn't have T r W. But we fax, yes.

And I had to decipher the person's ability to repay that loan. So bottom line is I never made an error in my contract. That's why when I got my second job at an Acura in a Toyota store in the valley. Keys, Acura, you may have. I know that. Yeah. I know that they, hired me on the spot because when I wrote on my resume that no unwinds, that means I don't believe people bringing back a car.

That was the clincher. But you can imagine by 1980. Two. How relieved I was. The very first computers I was involved was like a big suitcase. Yes. And IBM , you recall? It was. It was actually in car business. It was oak leaf and it was geared for all the Programs for dealerships, and the forms.

So they came, they just told me which one is which, and they left me alone. And, that's how you can imagine the relief I had. I didn't have to do all these when your parents were getting cause by hand. I could just put in the information in that right quick suitcase and it just prints out like a breeze.

So what I'm trying to tell you is, It was a great help for me as far as cutting time for customers to wait. But regarding Hungarian language, I had an interesting example when a Turkish person that will tell you the, common family of Hungarians Turks they. Finn Finnish language many thousands years ago, they were breathing because as a general manager at Kaiser Brothers I, think I told you, it was downtown across convention center.

Your parents knew it as a third oldest Oldsmobile dealer in the nation. If the granddaughter was 94 years old, you can imagine they've been there since 1917. They own about eight blocks downtown. So why am telling you this? Because when I worked there This fellow was sitting with my salesman taking an application.

And in those days, in early nineties, they had cassette tape players, and when I brought back his car appraising, assessing the value how much to allow him, I asked him a question. I, said, you're not Turkish, are you are not Turkey shy. And he said, hi, did you see my applic? I said, no. When I told him how I came to conclusion, I said, I popped your cassette layer.

I wanted to see the, how it functions your A M F M cassette, and I see on the cassette you know what he told me? What very clever. He said, , I figured out that he's Turk. Because that's the only countries I know that do all this. It's not all, it's not a. Even elementary words in Hungarian is not simple.

Ju just like Russians, for example. If I went to this Hungarian town Russian school, Of course, I'll tell you as far as knowing Russian, when I opened my mouth in Russian, you wouldn't believe it. What they say here in Santa Monica, they think I was born in Moscow and I pretend to be  Hungarian. Of course, I tell you why, probably mimicking the words and listening is, these two.

And of course what I'm not telling you the most helpful in Russian for me. The 10th Soviet army, 30 months, I was the head of a pharmacy. They used my medical knowledge in making drugs. They didn't have an Eli Lilly and Merck and all that. I had to make those drugs by hand.  mixture. And I, remember  new land in Russia where it's 99% frozen, everything.

Soldiers had scabies left and right. You can imagine why. Lack of cleanliness, right? Lack of so that, that's what I picked up really mainly the, ized accent. And here one more help was we, befriended the Russian couple in 70. And they came to buy an Omega in that, in those days, Boyd Peterson, where I worked at Crenshaw, was an old, small and a Jaguar store.

And when, I don't know if you're aware or not, but Cars in America were bought like you or the food in the restaurant. The parents came in, I have 150 cars in inventory. And by the time I was the manager and the manager always. Gas and demo as a perk. So they fell in love with my Regency 98, which was like a Cadillac de elegance.

The color, the vogue tires with gold dreams, et cetera. And we said in the industry, they deed me. They took my horse here away with 218 miles . So we, wouldn't need, but otherwise you ordered a vehicle according to your SP specification. SMO believe even had a mo, a slogan, can we build one for you? Oh wow.

And within six weeks, your car comes the way. Desired. Wow. You don't need to buy unwanted options. So why I'm telling you this, because ever since they very quickly they promoted me. La Later, about eight months into it, I asked Mr. Peterson, the owner, I said, why? I was never trained in this. Because they made me a manager first.

They made me in four months, a closer. Why? Because one Saturday I substituted the manager and the gross prophet was more than twice as what Mike McBride was doing. Oh, wow. So later on they relegated him. You may even know the area 54th and Crenshaw closer to Lawson. We had a Volvo and a British Leland dealership.

I call them zoom, calls the TR seven and et cetera, the ones that making the noise, right? So I became the general manager. Why I am telling you this, because that's what I picked up the knowledge. But when my, I deviated what I answered to my boss, no. When he answered to me, when I asked him how come I was not trained, he says, I Simply thought that you are a member of KG B because  by 75, he says, you lived in America only two and a half years and your English impressed me.

He said . So

he playing it Smart Russian folks, for example. No, it's some linguistic ability if the the reason. When Russian people speak, they still continue in their own mother tongue, and Russian is a soft language. Three simple letters. Mike, they unable to pronounce, for example, any. They don't say any.

They say any, many. You may even notice because in, in Los Angeles, there were plenty of Russians already. Yeah. You see now on the beach, I see them exercising about 120 of them. And the instructor, of course she, really makes out nicely $15 a pop. She makes about pretty nice money. About 1800 every Sunday.

Wow. Times four.  and uncle Sam knows nothing about . Yeah. , but seven grand. Yeah. Once I joked with them when I came to California, there were not three Russian speaking in the whole town because Russia was an iron curtain. Do you know regarding this, your best illustration would be my mother.

We are Hungarian Jews and. Mama's brother lived out of nine children. Two survived those 79 death camps, right? And it took mom 27 years just to come and visit them from 45 when Stalin took over right until 70 to December. And the response in Russia was always cookie cut. The. In your request to visit United States is declined.

Your request could be reevaluated in eight months. End of story. Wow. And that's for all those years. So this reminds me, I'll leave you with this best example about blowjob Clinton. Oh God.  you, naive Americans were given some fables on the when, he was first for president. He was running right in 91.

They asked him under what circumstances. Were you able to travel to Russia in 1967? And the song and dance you were all given, including you, you had to swallow it. He was a Rhode Scholar. My funny bone , you look at and this, factoid I may have mentioned to you when we met. Did I or did I not? Yeah, you did.

Yeah, that's what I remember. Yeah, because you looked exactly like Paul Allen. And he was kicked out from Oxford for his marks, his views. Do you see how exactly and turn goes? Yes, Exactly. Exactly. That's a convenience position, right? That's a convenience position for power. Yeah. There is no question.

Yeah, and he was just as an empty suit as Obama, basically all of them, except he was shiftier because he's actually. Narcissist. Both are, yeah, both. But, about Obama, I did tell you the most important part where he got his philosophy. Franklin, I remind you. Franklin Marshall Davis Jr. He's Angela Davis card, Kerry, communist father. we need anymore? Yeah, you gotta remember what attracts people to those readings. I from a philo, from a, for philosophical viewpoints. It's fine to read them, but that's the difference is the people who are attracted to them, meaning they, they read them as a lessons plan because they don't have the concept or in the intellect to decipher what they really.

So that's, the problem. That's, the, unfortunately those positions and those people often are shifty enough to find people who will give them power to continue because they want something, right? So it always boils down to the same thing are you my prostitute or are you leaving me

Which one are you? But I do know about, I know the whole background of both that. You, heard the name Sola Lins of course. Yes. Rules for radicals. Yes. Hillary Raham Rotten. I call her rotten. She was meeting him for coffee, corresponding with him. She's just as Marxist as his incidentally.

Speaking of that, you know what I learned, from Dennis Prager about Marxist that, and this will surprise you. M l K belonged to that group. Wow. And I'm not surprised the Black Panthers in those days. Oh yes. This was when you were no more than five years old. They were rebels. Do you know?

Yes, I do. All this, all these communist movement. Yep. The Dipper Reagan stopped it cold. Yep. But now the movement is picking up scene, big time. But it wouldn't get too far. Yeah, because it's, funny how mental disease it's, a truth that those in power rewrite the history. And because the next generation either doesn't have time or trust, the history is true.