NoGo, another Shinebomb liberal bull crap. That doesn't work. If you read this case, it's pretty funny. It's a story about a man who abandons his children and then finds a new wife, and then they hide their identity so they can't be found, so they don't have to pay back all the money they owe.

The. And the children and the state. Let's throw them in prison. Better yet, let's kill them both. Yes. Let's sever their ties and cut their throat because they deserve to die so their children can cry at their funerals. Oh, see, this strategy is such a liberal mind mess—that unprofessional. Successful politicians like shine bomb and liberals just end up throwing fathers and mostly fathers and a few mothers in prison just go to the United States.

There are millions of dead deadbeat dads living in prison. Wow. That accomplished a lot. Right? So you could proudly say your father's in prison. That's what you want. Casa 996.

This is a liberal mind mess. This is precisely what I'm talking about. US policies that are failures. Failures. But you know what it does? It locks up men. Yes, it locks up men—Mexican men in prison. So Misal politician mayor, is that your object? or are you just not smart enough to look at the history of what happens in the United States where you got your education, and now you're just abusing Mexicans?

I didn't grow up with a father. No, My brothers didn't grow up with a father. No, my sister did grow up with a father. My mother was beautiful, just like most Mexican. But she took the responsibility and made us proud, and taught us how to work. She didn't use the government to make us move forward, like shine bombs in Mexico City want to because they're lazy and just want to throw men in prison so they can stay in power.

They're on outside, eh? No. No, not at all. Throwing men in prison because they're deadbeat dads is not the solution. There is a so, But see, it takes somebody with the brain who's seen it happen to understand how to solve it. Indeed that isn't Shinebomb, but she just doing American ideas that fail. Fail the Mexican man.

Hm, What a shame. What a waste of time.