Erica and Connor spend the entirety of todays episode answering listener's additional questions that have come up throughout this season as well as tying up other loose ends from the season.

We are both sincerely so thankful for all of the love and support you have shown us in transitioning back to our individual podcast feed and for following along with us as we develop a new format for the show.

We will be back in a few short weeks with the start of Season 2 of the Portrait Session Podcast.

Season 1 Listener Q&A's

Phil Roccuzzo 1) In the order of operations when setting up your business... do you need to create your business checking account first or do you create the business (llc)first?

2) Regarding insurance... is it best to form your LLC (if that’s your intention) first and then get the insurance under the company name ... OR can you get the insurance prior to forming the llc and update the name after?

3) In your experience from a marketing point of view .. does adding LLc to the name have any impact in clients hiring you ? (ie more confidence in your business... it is ‘legitimate’.. etc)

Wendy Miller Thank you Erica and Connor for a wonderful Season 1. It has been chock full of information. My question is about blogs. I would like to start one on my webpage. Do I start with current photos/events, or go back to the beginning of the year

Boden Eanes 1. As someone just starting, what’s your advice on contracts. As starting we don’t often have the client base to cover costs of lawyers fees to write one or should that just be a personal investment into ur business. General contract advice 🙂

2. When setting up a styled shoot to build/add to your portfolio, what’s the expected cost for a beginner? Personally I am willing to invest some money to get my business off the ground, which is required in some areas, but should this be something we try at the beginning or should this be something once business is up and can support the costs?

3. At what point should I set up a website? I don’t have a client base yet so I don’t know if I should try to get my portfolio built more and after I have clients set it up, or set it up right from the start, or somewhere in between?

4. If you do in person sales and not a shoot/burn style - do you still deliver digitals or are you a shoot/burn photographer who also does in person sales to deliver more product? I understand this could vary a little bit depending on wedding vs portrait photography.

Steven Morrow When starting to transition from just taking photos as a hobby, to starting the business; should I have paying clients first, a web presence, or business license? When tackling task by task what order would you rank the 3?

Nelson Tapias Advice for starting/running a “side hustle” business while you still keep your full-time job.