Episode 4 – Francisco Garcia

Title: Francisco Garcia on navigating grief and loss at a young age and how these events and a connection with Forest Hill have shaped him.

Francisco Garcia is a writer and journalist. His book ‘If you were there’ will be published by Harper Collins in 2021

Portrait of a Londoner is a South-East London based podcast and in the first series we will be talking to people who live or work in Forest Hill, South-East London


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In this episode, we discuss:

His childhood and how a great teacher supported the family through the loss of his mother (1.24)

The missing persons crisis in the UK (11.21) https://www.vice.com/en_uk/article/yw8eey/inside-britains-escalating-missing-persons-problem

His relationship with the area that he grew up in Forest Hill and the famous ‘ship’ at Dawson’s Heights  (25.14)


How his grandmother’ s love of books and her favourite poem


If you would like to find out more about Francisco he is represented by www.curtisbrown.co.uk

Twitter @ffansiscodgf

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Production: Guavabanana.com