Del Williams interviews communications specialist Felicia Slattery about her new book, the three "c's" of communication, speeches, and much more.

Felicia Slattery is a communication consultant, speaker, and coach specializing in training busy professionals to succeed by communicating effectively with clients and prospects. She teaches teleseminars, leads workshops, and offers private coaching to individual clients on improving their communication skills in order to present their best image.

Having taught communication skills all over Chicagoland for more than 10 years, Felicia describes herself as a communication "generalist," meaning that she has expertise in teaching all forms of communication including interpersonal, public speaking, persuasion, business communication, interviewing, research, male-female communication--- you name it she's probably taught it—and she loves teaching!

A published author and popular public speaker, Felicia began her consulting and coaching business in early 2006 when she decided it was time to take the communication skills she'd been teaching for years and offer that same knowledge to people outside the classroom. She holds two Master's Degrees: one in Adult Education and Training and another in Communication. In her business, she teaches small business owners, sales professionals and corporate professionals powerful communication skills they need to succeed at work and enjoy happy and fulfilled personal lives.