Key quotes:

-“No day looks the same for me”

-“it [Caveday] grew organically. None of us were trying to start a business."

-“A couple of years ago, I said I am freelancer and I don’t feel free.”

-"3rd Street Blackout was like having a 30 person startup with an end date.”

“When stuck, the kindest thing to do is to be really clear on what I am looking for.”

-"There are four energies to get stuff done: nurture, getting stuff done, being strategic, and then being a leader"

-"If you are risk averse, a portfolio career is essential"

Key resources:


-Odd Job Nation and a related video

-3rd Street Blackout

-Book - Nobody Wants to Read Your Sh*t by Steven Pressfield

Contact information:

Personal website -