Key highlights:

-Mural is a platform and product for knowledge workers to lead with their best work, as opposed to job titles. Believe everything will be on the cloud and one link away. Able to showcase select work for selected people. Could also be used to update certain people on regular basis like advisors and past collaborators.

Three components in picking and working on new projects:

does it have a sustainable business model
is it something that I enjoy doing
does it move the world forward for a group of people that I care about

Advice while working on projects:

What were the outcomes did you drive?
What did you actually learn and are the skills transferable?
What mini networks did you create and have because of your portfolio career lifestyle? You are building something incredibly proprietary -- a web of trust across projects that you have created.


-“I have been on a journey to discover my purpose”

-“You are building your network when you don’t even realize it”

-“Your narrative becomes non-traditional and you need to deliberate about how you tell your story”



-Ajay's Mural - a portfolio of his best work and direct link

-Personal website

-LinkedIn March 2018 published work - "how to build your "portfolio" as a product manager"

-Recent blog post titled "Any Given Monday"