From Are you tired of the alleged urgent matters of the day? Regular Joe and Chuck decided to take a break and bash Florida for an hour. Teachers get to carry guns in the state that always has the crazy people news covered. Is this a good idea? Is it a shock that Florida […]


Are you tired of the alleged urgent matters of the day? Regular Joe and Chuck decided to take a break and bash Florida for an hour.

Teachers get to carry guns in the state that always has the crazy people news covered. Is this a good idea? Is it a shock that Florida is not the first state to adopt this policy?

Hour 1 Article:

Some Florida teachers can now carry guns inside the classroom

In the second hour, Chuck took issue with the Porkins show from earlier in the day. Is Pearse falling in line with others when it comes to exhaustion on the Trump Reality show? Is everyone being browbeaten into submission so that apathy is their only defense against the onslaught of stupidity from the 45th POTUS?