On TYR’s Day, A Cornucopia of Phobias and fabricated amblyopia deconstruct dreams of utopia. Michael Swanson started things off by examining the evolving social media/advertising head games driving personal interactions, Fame, and many walks of shame. Facebook is for grandpa. The toxic anti-social media platform has been a thing for nearly a generation. What happened […]

On TYR’s Day, A Cornucopia of Phobias and fabricated amblyopia deconstruct dreams of utopia. Michael Swanson started things off by examining the evolving social media/advertising head games driving personal interactions, Fame, and many walks of shame.

Facebook is for grandpa. The toxic anti-social media platform has been a thing for nearly a generation. What happened to your news stories and inspirations for outrage? Is it about to become more fertile digital soil for cults of personality to blossom within?

Venezuela is the focus in the second hour. Pearse Redmond and Chuck break down the alleged uprising and even speculate about the reality that may be unfolding while the MSM runs it’s standard mocking bird programming. Is anyone else reminded of “The Bay of Pigs”?

Are fake news and the anti-social media going to continue dominating public perceptions? Will the truth remain trapped behind enemy lines on the far side of the great Fire Wall?

Are the resource pirates with private armies merely utilizing the digital weapons developed in the internet age to make the repeating blueprint of regime change and population control continue far beyond 2020?


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Show Notes:

Juan Guaido coup speech

Leopoldo Lopez escapes to Spainish Embassy

Guaido’s whereabouts unknown

Soldiers involved in coup reportedly claiming asylum in Brazilian embassy

“El personalismo de Guaidó ha puesto en peligro el alzamiento contra Maduro”


Live Updates: Venezuelan Govt Says Guaido Coup Failed, Lopez Hides in Chile’s Embassy

Clashes rock Venezuela as Guaido, Maduro vie for power

Exclusive – Blackwater founder’s latest sales pitch: mercenaries for Venezuela

Pompeo claims Russia stopped Maduro leaving Venezuela for Cuba

The Making of Leopoldo López

Venezuela – Guaidó Got Snookered – White House Starts Beating War Drums

Top general: US military focused on collecting intelligence in Venezuela

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