Paul Fox and Kevin Ma of "East Screen / West Screen" bring us our first international Popspotting Listener Edition, in which they each highlight two of their favorite Asian films from 2011 that are now available video in some form that will work in the U.S.

Paul Fox and Kevin Ma of “East Screen / West Screen“ [iTunes Link] bring us our first international Popspotting Listener Edition, in which they each highlight two of their favorite Asian films from 2011 that are now available video in some form that will work in the U.S. Their picks were:

My Own Swordsman (China – 2011)
Ra.One (India – 2011)
When Love Comes (Taiwan – 2011)
Flying Swords of Dragon Gate (Hong Kong / China – 2011)

Also featured, a song from Ra.One, called “Criminal.”

We are of course fully aware that these Listener Edition shows are only making our to-do lists even longer.  But we continue to be awestruck by the generosity and creativity of the Popspotting community. We do look forward to returning, and are still planning to head to San Diego for Comic-Con. But perhaps its best we’re taking a break, at least this week… Jen wants to see “The Three Stooges.”