The incredibly inspirational Beena Ammanath, Founder and CEO of Humans for AI joined us in the latest episode of Popping the Bubbl. Beena is an accomplished computer scientist and double patent holder that has been focused on data throughout her professional tech journey, leading to a variety of F100 executive positions managing data, developing business intelligence and leading into big data, AI and looking at data in different ways to drive positive business outcomes.

Beena is now focused on managing the coming AI wave with her initiative Humans for AI which looks to create partnerships between domain experts in the fields that will be first impacted by artiifical intelligence while its still in its infancy. Beena believes now is the time to shape AI how we want it to act and in a way that it wont go rogue which is everyone’s greatest nightmare.

Looking back at history, there have always been changes in how work is done. From the first industrial revolution to rise of the internet, humans have always worried that rising technologies would destroy jobs, but what actually happens is that new jobs are created replacing the old ones.