On the July 27th, 2011 broadcast at 11AM Pacific/2PM Eastern I am delighted to have the opportunity to chat with fellow 'healthtweep', Benjamin F. Miller, PsyD, aka @miller7 on Twittter, who is an Assistant Professor, in the Department of Family Medicine, and Associate Director of Primary Care Outreach and Research at the University of Colorado Depression Center in CU School of Medicine. Dr. Miller is also the Administrative Director of the Collaborative Care Research Network (CCRN) and a Senior Scientist at the AAFP National Research Network.   My chat with Ben today is a contiuning attestation of the power of the social medium known as Twitter. Ben and my path's have crossed as occaisional contributors to Twitter's prolific conversations centering on social media in healthcare, but more specifically primary care medical homes, accountable care, ACOs and health policy or reform globally speaking.   We'll discuss health policy issues associated with primary care medical homes, accountable care in general and ACOs in particular.Dr. Miller's perspectve as a clinician in an academic setting focused on family medicine are timely insights given the challenge of population management in a fee for services paradigm that traditional undervalues primary care, let alone the role of mental health services in health and wellness.   Join us for a fun and informative conversation.