Wednesday May 17th 2017 at 12 Noon Paific/3PM Eastern our special gues is Tibi Zohar, the President and CEO of DoctorGlobe.

Tibi co-founded the company in January of 2014 with Yori Landau, the former leader of the Orbitz Worldwide Israel’s R&D center. The company is headquartered in Oceanside California and it has R&D centers in Tel Aviv Israel and New Delhi, India.

Tibi is an accomplished financial professional with over 3 decades of experience in corporate and employee benefits in two different countries. Served as corporate executive, agency owner, founder of Custom Financial Planning and Synergy Advisers. Million Dollar Round Table 3-time Top Of The table and 5-time Court Of the Table accomplishments, as well as TOT meeting speaker in Kauai (2009) and keynote address the 2010 Insurance and Finance annual conference in Eilat, Israel.

Tibi earned his Master of Science in Financial Services from the institute of business and finance in La Jolla California. Among his community contributions are board member at Fresh Start Surgical Gifts, a board member at T.E.A.M. and StandWithUs Israel advocacy organizations. He co-chaired Israel @ 60 San Diego, as well as co-founded and served as president of the San Diego Jewish Chamber of Commerce.

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