On this week's broadcast at 12 noon Pacific, July 13th, 2016 we are joined by Randy Williams, MD, CEO, Pharos Innovations and Jessica Cunningham, RN, BSN, PHN Manager Clinical PopulationsHealthEast Care Systems.

Pharos provides chronic care management services to hospitals, payers and ACOs. Their programs incorporate their proprietary Pharos' platform, patient engagement outreach, provider engagement support, care coordination support and marketing outreach.

The Pharos platform includes:
Algorithm-based population targetingDaily surveysCare Manager AlertsCare Manager coordination,Patient feedbackIn an analytics driven process.
As providers move to Value Based Payments and ACO structures, it’s been well documented that ACO’s have not been very successful in achieving cost savings. We’ll discuss with Randy and Jessica why that is and some of the ways to improve results at HealthEast.