On the Wednesday July 6th 2011 broadcast my guest commentator is consultant, lecturer Gunter Wessels partner, Total Innovations Group, Inc. (TIGI), Tucson, Arizona. We'll discuss Gunter's paper 'Clearer thinking on ACOs and Healthcare delivery polarization.'

Gunter joined TIGI in 2006 after launching his own consultancy while completing a Ph.D. in Marketing. Gunter has consulted with numerous companies in the private sector, principally focused on the healthcare vertical market, but also including insurance and other industries. His expertise is in the domains of marketing and persuasion. In practice he most often consults in personal selling and sales management, but also develops go-to-market strategy, pricing, integrated marketing communication tactics, and value proposition tools. Mr. Wessels has an extensive background in professional selling and was a consistent top performer in a number of large and small sales organizations. His expertise stems from direct experience in Radiology, GI, Surgery, Anesthesia, Respiratory Therapy, Clinical Laboratory, Molecular Diagnostics, Facilities and Security, as well as Insurance and Financial services. Recently Mr. Wessels has consulted with policy makers in the United Kingdom and Canada, and, on numerous occasions, has been an invited speaker on sustaining behavior change within organizations and value proposition within organizations.
Join us for an informative exchange on ACOs, health reform and 'Dr. Bieber.'