ALEX TREPKA and ANDY JUNK share a few words of wisdom and many words of nonsense on PopFury! They talk about furniture shopping, winning back the heart of your amnesiac lover, the bucket lists of their 10-year-old selves and Alex's cinematic triumph, "AKA Bad Boy 2"


0:00 Intro

1:15 Andy and his wife just went furniture shopping. He enjoys home improvement projects on their new home even though he has no idea what he is doing. Andy doesn’t have a junk room for all the instruments he doesn’t know how to play.

13:10 A woman suffered from amnesia and forgot her boyfriend. Sammy wants to know how Andy would woo Jenn back if that happened to him.

20:35 They wonder what they would tell their younger selves if they could send advice back in time.

26:55 A 10-year old girl’s bucket list has gone viral. Andy and Alex share what their 10-year-old bucket lists would have been. Andy had a very specific fantasy as a child.

38:30 Alex met his current girlfriend through Bumble. Sammy asks if he has a playbook of dating techniques. Alex offers drink ordering advice.

46:45 Alex is a doing the February money challenge...which Andy and Sammy immediately shit on. Andy and Alex try to sell Sammy on a vacation in Canada.

50:30 Drunk men drove an ATV pulling a couch through a drive through. Alex recalls the Jack Ass-inspired bush diving shenanigans of his own youth. Andy is too excited about Alex’s homemade high school film “AKA Bad Boy 2

58:50 Outro

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