Ville Aikas is one of the original "godfather's" of Kubernetes.  He is the "George Harrison" of Google Cloud/Kubernetes,  built  much of the underlying tech used in cloud native technology being largely adopted globally and has stayed quiet about all his amazing accomplishments which are many:

* Founder and later on tech lead and manager of Google Cloud Storage from 2008-2014.

* One of the earliest members of Kubernetes project within Google.

* Tech lead / manager of Google Cloud Deployment Manager.

* Kubernetes Service Catalog / Open Service Broker / Helm OSS contributions

* Founder / Tech Lead on Knative Eventing / Member of Technical Oversight Committee

Ville finally speaks in depth about his cloud native journey direct from the Isle of Ville.  



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00:00 - Opener/Sponsors

00:11 - Introduction to Episode Links  

00:44 - Ville's Journey

17:44 - Early Google and Seattle

24:40 - Yadda Yadda Yadda... then we started google cloud (Plan B)  

29:46 - Scale is just an illusion.

35:32 - Kubernetes in its infancy

40:00 - /hack directory  

42:35 - Godfather Joe Beda  

44:00 - Did Ville envision Kubernetes would get this big?

49:22 - What does the Kubernetes community mean to Ville?

52:07 - Contributor of the Month / Community Chop Wood Carry Water

54:10 - the Challenges and Advantages of Open Source

57:14 - Ville's Island aka the Isle of Vile.

59:31 - What work is Ville most proud of.

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Episode Links 
Ville's Twitter - 
Knative - 
Duck Typing in Kubernetes:

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