00:00 - Sponsor - Stormforge - stormforge.io/popcast
00:58 - Opener
01:06 - Introduction to Thomas Strömberg
01:39 - Thomas Journey
12:43 - How did Thomas get to Google? the Google Years.
23:44 - Skaffold
28:58 - Thomas talks about Kubecon and the Kubernetes Community.
30:01 - The Reveal ???  or a free t-shirt from  https://cockroachlabs.com/popcast.
32:47 - the End User loop / Hallway Track
34:17 - Minikube
53:24 - Kind vs Minikube - Why not combine them? Differences?
58:18 - Amateur Bike Builder
01:02 - what work is Tom most proud of?
01:05:13 - The Reveal ??? or a free t-shirt from  https://cockroachlabs.com/popcast.

Episode Links
https://github.com/kernelcafe/welcome— Public infrastructure for open source developers (author)
https://github.com/kubernetes/minikube — Local Kubernetes for everyone!

Episode Sponsors

Discover CockroachDB, the most highly evolved distributed SQL database on the planet. Kubernetes-native and built from the ground up to help companies of all sizes including Bose, Comcast, and Equifax scale fast, survive anything, and thrive everywhere.
Sign up for a free 30-day trial and get a free t-shirt at https://cockroachlabs.com/popcast.

StormForge’s Kubernetes Performance Testing and Optimization platform is the easiest way to ensure your applications behave the way you want them to, while cutting out unnecessary resources and time spent manually tuning.

In alignment with this, StormForge is asking for your help reducing the amount of unused Cloud resources making both a financial and environmental impact in the world today. We want you to help make an impact with us, so visit https://stormforge.io/popcast to learn more about how you can help ERASE Cloud Waste, and take the Cloud Waste Pledge.

While you’re there, why not try out the FREE TIER of the Machine-Learning-backed service to start saving resources and getting better performance today.

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