Asking yourself how you ended up paying for half a dozen streaming entertainment subscriptions every month? There’s a book for that: Binge Times: Inside Hollywood's Furious Billion-Dollar Battle to Take Down Netflix, entertainment journalists Dade Hayes and Dawn Chmielewski’s insider history on how Netflix started the game with those little red envelopes of DVDs, and just a few short years had us all Netflixing and chilling – and bingeing entire TV series on the regular. As Hayes details, that was the alert to other entertainment brands to get their stream on ASAP, and here we are a decade and a half later, not only watching our favorite retro TV shows, but now most of all our original programming (not to mention a lot of reboots of those retro TV faves!) on several streaming networks. And Binge Times not only tells us how we got here, but clues us in on where the streaming business may be headed, including its impact on the rapidly changing movie industry.

Read more:

Binge Times: Inside Hollywood's Furious Billion-Dollar Battle to Take Down Netflix Dade Hayes Dawn Chmielewski

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