Would any of us being surviving the pandemic without binge-watching comforting old TV and finding some new favorites along the way, too? We certainly wouldn’t, which made us want to catch up on all things streaming TV, with our friend and the go-to guy for the scoop on the streaming business, Vulture.com West Coast Editor and Buffering and streaming TV columnist, Joe Adalian.

Joe gives us the rundown on all the streaming services, including some you may not have heard of that offer free viewing, tells us if anyone is seriously challenging Netflix’s reign, and offers some tips on how to decide which services are worth your subscription dollars. He also shares his favorite quarantine binges, and we share a few of our favorite new binge-watches from the last six months.

Subscribe to Joe Adalian’s Buffering column at Vulture Joe’s must-read behind-the-scenes feature on Netflix: Inside the Binge Factory