She’s a Pop Literacy returning guest. And though fans of her delicious, Netflix drama-inspiring thriller series of books about handsome stalker Joe Goldberg might not think it possible, we’re telling you: You Love Me, the latest and third book in her Joe series is the best one yet. We’re not spoiling anything major, but in our chat with Caroline, she tells you just enough of the whats and whys to tease this latest adventure – misadventure – with the perpetually lovesick Joe to have us sure that you will come to the same conclusion about You Love Me.

We also talk to her about how she continues to pack one of our favorite book series with another of our favorites – pop culture references galore, and cleverly deployed, as always – and we discuss the upcoming third season of the You TV series, which hits Netflix later this year. Two words: Scott Speedman, the yummy Felicity and Animal Kingdom  alum about whom Caroline shares a delightful story. Not enough? Okay, one big teaser about You Love Me: it features one of our all-time fave fiction twists, which you won’t see coming either!

Resource links:

Caroline Kepnes' official website

Caroline Kepnes’ You Book Series:

You Love Me (Book 3) You (Book 1) Hidden Bodies (Book 2)

Pop Literacy Episode 2: Female Authors Are Fueling TV's Darkest Shows