Oh, hi everyone! We cap off 2009 with Dave’s final choice, The Room. This cult classic film is near and dear to all our hearts and has been for about 10 years now. From midnight showings to friendly get togethers, the movie has taken on a life of its own in our group. The so bad it’s good masterpiece is a one of a kind film by a one of a kind filmmaker. And yes, we have even met Tommy Wiseau in person. You don’t have to have seen the movie to enjoy this episode, but you will probably want to get a group together to watch soon after listening. Good thinking!

We then wrap up our look back at 2009 by discussing other guilty pleasures / love to hate them movies and shows. And as always, we give a serious look at our top movies of 2009. It was quality over quantity for most of us when it came to our selections.

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