Who is the worst movie supervillain of all time?

If one of us had our 'druthers, someone from Netflix's new Ben Falcone/Melissa McCarthy "superhero" film, Thunder Force, would be on the list.

Inspired by the aggressively mediocre film, Fanboy and Know-It-All realized that it was time for the world to have a definitive ranked list of the Top 10 Worst Cinematic Supervillains of All Time. And who better to make said definitive list than Fanboy and Know-It-All?

Paired with a review of the painfully poor "Thunder Force" and a pair of highlights in The Most Least Important Thing, we've got a real banger on our hands.

And, yeah... we've got Brad Pitt references.

("April Showers" by ProleteR is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives [aka Music Sharing] 3.0 International License.)