Welcome to the SPOILER Zone as we have (SPOILERS) conflicting reviews on divisive Mortal Kombat, praise and nitpicking for Falcon and the Winter Soldier episode six, Shadow and Bone on Netflix, and will The Mighty Ducks Game Changers keep you tuning in to DIsney+? Plus a TON of guests stop by as TJ Johnson weighs in on the social impact of (Falcon) Captain America and the Winter Soldier, Ellowyn Glassford has thoughts on Marvel's latest series too. Thomas Bennett meanwhile has views on The Mighty Ducks Game Changers on Disney Plus and the Mortal Kombat movie plus Noah Ian Fein from HunnicWeen puts in his two cents on the latest MK video game adaptation hitting theaters and HBO Max as well.
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And presented by Pop Culture Cosmos, RobMcZob.com, Zero Cool Films, Indie Pods United, Lakers Fast Break, Inside Sports Fantasy Football, the novel Congratulations, You Suck (available for purchase HERE), and Retro City Games!