Another great lineup is on tap as Josh and Gerald break down all the changes Disney announced to its lineup for movies from now and all the way into 2022. How will these changes affect big movies like Mulan, Black Widow, The Eternals, and more? Plus Robert Downey Jr. celebrated a birthday this past weekend, but could the rumors of a return to the MCU be not too far behind? All this and Mike Faber and Alex Autrey from the ESO Network stop by to gauge if Wrestlemania should stay a two-night event and thoughts on Vice's recent Dark Side of the Ring episode focusing on the Chris Benoit tragedy. Plus Jessica Boggs from has her thoughts on tv shows you need to binge while staying at home and the birthday boy Noah Ian Fein from the HunnicOutcasts shares some thoughts on some retro games worth re-discovering.

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Presented by Pop Culture Cosmos, Rob McCallum Films, the novel Congratulations, You Suck (available for purchase HERE), and Retro City Games!