Josh and Gerald are back for more as they update you with what's trending with all things pop culture. The guys talk about a possible landing spot for the release date for Xbox Series X, a Series S on the way, and how Halo Infinite's delay could affect the launch of Microsoft's latest generation of gaming. There's also discussion on reboots of MacGruber and The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Tron 3 finding a director, Fortnite and Apple's controversial standoff gets the popular game taken off the iOS store, and what is the future for Facebook Gaming when no big stars want to go there? Plus Luke Cheeseman and Jim Frye from stop by to talk about the realities of pop culture conventions in the age of Coronavirus, Shark Week, and if the loss of Marvel and DC this year could be a long term hit for San Diego Comic-Con moving forward. All this and Josh takes Gerald (and our listeners) to the Rumor Mill with some of the hottest items being bandied about on our latest PCC Multiverse!
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Presented by Pop Culture Cosmos, Zero Cool Films, the novel Congratulations, You Suck (available for purchase HERE), and Retro City Games!