There's always a lot of pop culture news and information going on and Noah Ian Fein from The HunnicOutcasts steps in with Gerald as they talk about the opening days for the HBO Max streaming channel and Amazon's foray into the video game world, Crucible. They decide which one is getting off to a rough start, and which one looks pretty good so far and the long-term prospects for each to be a major player in their industry. Plus Jessica Boggs from The TV Ratings Guide is back in part two of her May TV Update where she talks about what was renewed at ABC, and why that's a prominent sign for the network, and projects what may stay or go at NBC. Ben Arnot from Smoking Hot Confessions returns with thoughts on the future of Star Wars, and how it looks to be a much more definitive road being taken by way of the Disney+ service. And we tie everything in a neat little bow with Noah and Gerald continuing our countdown of the top 100 films for Pop Culture Cosmos with our #80-89 selections (as voted upon by our listeners and followers).
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Presented by Pop Culture Cosmos, Zero Cool Films, the novel Congratulations, You Suck (available for purchase HERE), and Retro City Games!