LakerTom from is back once again with more thoughts on the NBA's possible return to Orlando and what may now be a division amongst its players. With names like Dwight Howard, Avery Bradley, Kyrie Irving, and more voicing concerns about going into the bubble at DisneyWorld, Tom and Gerald share thoughts on the quandary players are now in on having to decide whether or not to go and finish the season. With all the issues confronting the players now with the fight for ending systemic racism, police brutality, and Covid-19, the guys dig deep into why all these issues are giving the players a hard decision on whether to commit to a completion of the season or follow their heart in another direction. All this and with rosters possibly expanding, could DeMarcus "Boogie" Cousins make a return with the Lakers? Join us and be part of the conversation today at and the Lakers Fast Break podcast!
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Presented by Pop Culture Cosmos, Zero Cool Films, the novel Congratulations, You Suck (available for purchase HERE), and Retro City Games!