On today's Pop Confidential podcast Jamey Giddens, Luke Kerr, Jillian Bowe, Regan Cellura, Melodie Aikels and Sara Bibel dish celebrity gossip and TV headlines, including:

Kyle Jenner is stirring up trouble for the Kardashians. Fashion designers Dolce and Gabbanna cause controversy by calling children born to gay couples via fertility

treatment "synthetic." The PC gang then dives into the soapy drama of The Royals on E!. Did it live up to expectations or did it disappoint? The PC crew reacts to How to Get Away With Murder's finale. Olivia Pope gets her back broke by a brother. Glee took its final bow with a satisfying season finale for Luke and Mel. Game of Thrones debuts another trailer. American Crime and Secrets & Lies get mixed responses from the panel.

All this and much more on today's Pop Confidential podcast!