Throughout Middle and Late Fall, frogs and toads seek shelter from the coming cold, migrating to protective places underground, in water or in cracks and crevices that will keep them from the forces of Early, Deep and Late Winter Under the Sleeping Frog Moon, Christmas cacti bud in sunny windows. People plant paperwhite and amaryllis bulbs for the holiday season ahead. As toads and frogs migrate, chickweed grows back all along the woodland paths, and cress revives in pools and streams. Cattails begin to break apart as the final giant jimsonweed opens in the cornfields. The last crickets still sing in the warmer evenings of the Sleeping Frog Moon, and the last daddy longlegs huddle together in the woodpile. Mosquitoes still wait for prey near backwaters and puddles. Asian lady beetles look for openings in your siding in which to spend the winter. Late woolly bear caterpillars still emerge in the Sun. Cabbage butterflies still look for cabbage. Yellowjackets sometimes come out to look