Why did Sir Terry give the Disc’s version of Transylvania a German name? The issue came up in a discussion on our Discord server, and I’m sharing what I learned from that discussion with our listeners. 

What we learn is that Sir Terry was well-versed in European history and an excellent linguist as well. That shouldn’t surprise anyone who’s read Monstrous Regiment, or Raising Steam, in particular. I say “in particular” because many of the Lancre books reference Uberwald, and Moist von Lipwig (Going Postal, et al.) hails from there.

There’s a big bilingual pun at the heart of it all, in fact. Great stuff, but as usual if you don’t get the pun it doesn’t detract from the enjoyment of the book(s). Uberwald is a cool name for a place with vampires, werewolves, and Igors in it, after all.

Many thanks to Bas and Malocaptain, who participated in the above-referenced discussion on Discord, and thus enlightened us about another STP pune, or play on words. 

If you have thoughts about this experiment in three-minute podcasting, please shoot me an email at [email protected]. I’d love to hear from you; I will answer you; and if you are a first-time emailer I’ll include a recording of the Clacks episode with my reply. That’s the only way you can get a copy of the Clacks episode, short of using a second email addy and a fake name! 

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The Turtle Moves

Mind How You Go

GNU Terry Pratchett