Previous Episode: The Turtle Moves

Or not. Nuggan is the god of the Borogravians, and as we learn this week, about all he is good for is abominating things. His is another example of Discworld belief transferred from one object, institution or person to another. In this case the other is the Duchess Anagovia, who bears a passing resemblance to Queen Victoria. 

We also begin to find out about the power of metaphor on the Disc (which is of course closely tied to belief.) We learn some about the anthropomorphic personifications of the Discworld, especially Death and the Hogfather (which by the way was the working title of this podcast once upon a time.) We see how Discworld belief brings these personae into physical manifestation, if not life, and how an excess of belief, caused by the ebbing of belief in one anthropomorphic personification can result in the creation of new personae, since all that extra belief sloshing around has to have somewhere to go.

You also get to hear your host try to say "anthropomorphic personification" at least half a dozen times. 

This week's trivia question: Identify the speaker of either of the two quotes used as show titles in season 1. Easy peasy. As always you can reach me with your answers, as well as questions or comments, at [email protected]