An expansion of the pairs theme from last week, you might say. Sort of. We consider witches and wizards as couples (Mustrum and Esme), and that leads to a discussion of witches in cities, and wizards in the countryside. With exceptions, fish out of water in both cases. 

Granny does just fine in Ankh-Morpork, and Ridcully loves the out of doors—shooting at it, at least. Coincidence? You decide. 


We have a new email address: [email protected]. I’m working on transitioning all our MGP (Medieval Gnome Productions) related email there. Send us an email at the new addy—you never know what might happen!  

And, PLEASE send me some new questions for Granny! You can ask her anything.

Some places to visit include

Our YouTube channel:

Our new website:

 Our Discord community, “Friends of Medieval Gnome Productions.” Btw, it costs nothing to join the server, and there’s a lot of exclusive content on there.

Our Patreon page if you’re in the mood to underwrite the efforts of Medieval Gnome Productions (or just want to see some more exclusive content). There’s also patron-only content there. Here’s the URL.

GNU Terry Pratchett 

The Turtle Moves

Mind How You Go