You may have noticed a lack of Pratchips this past week. But then again, maybe you didn't. Nobody emailed about it. But you may have said, "Wonder what happened to Pratchips this week." And after the non-appearance of a regular episode yesterday,, you may have said, "Wonder what happened to the Gnome. Hope he didn't get hit by a bus." Then again, you may not have done. 

Well, never fear, dear hypothetical listener. I am intact and unbruised. I am, however, suffering from some (thus far) unexplained throat problems, which have included my voice deteriorating to a sort of raspy growl. The medical advice I have received thus far is to rest my voice; to use it (i.e. speak) as little as possible.

Hence the non-appearance of a regular episode yesterday.

For this third week in November, however, I thought it meet to bring you a rebroadcast of an old show. This one appeared right after (American) Thanksgiving 2019. 

It is therefore identified as The Discworld Portal. Yes, the good old days. It also contains reference to a "Season 4 contest." N.b. this is NOT an active contest. Feel free to send in entries. There will be no prizes, however.

As for the future of Tales from the Drum, well... I will be, one can only hope, resuming regular episodes on the first Friday in December (i.e. December 3rd.) Fingers crossed. The fate of Pratchips is less certain. No one has ever sent me any feedback on them, for good or for ill. That being the case, their fate is still undetermined. 

faithfully yours, 
ye olde Medieval Gnome