Previous Episode: The Likeability Fallibility
Next Episode: Pondering Ridcully

A free-for-all bonus episode. You can also find it (also for free) on the Portal's Patreon page. Herein you'll find some anecdotes about Dr. Terry Armstrong (the other profoundly influential Terry in my life,) a discussion of J.R.R. Tolkien and Sir Terry, and, as a Hallowe'en treat, the first-ever Portal blooper reel. Trick or treat! 

You can now visit the Discord site to leave feedback about the show. Just follow this link (, sign up, choose a username, and post suggestions, comments, criticisms, and any other feedback you'd like.

You can also join the Portal's chatroom on Discord, by following this link:

The Portal's Patreon page, which includes a Portal blog, can be found here:

And last but not least, you can always contact me at [email protected], and you'll find another Portal blog, some Discworld resources, and candid photos and video of my engineer and producer (Ivy and Holly.)