Though a 10-year veteran of Gallup, Mohamed Younis has served as the organization’s editor in chief for just four months. On this week’s episode of Poll Hub, Younis joins the discussion to share his vision for the future of Gallup and how he is working to preserve the legacy of founder George Gallup.

But first, a look at what, if anything, history can tell us about the state of the 2020 election contest. Can polls, at this point in the race, be an indicator of who will be the Democratic nominee? It depends.

About Poll Hub

Poll Hub goes behind the science to explain how polling works, what polls really show, and what the numbers really mean. Poll Hub is produced by The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion, home of America’s leading independent college public opinion poll, The Marist Poll. Lee Miringoff (Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion), Barbara Carvalho (Director of The Marist Poll), and Jay DeDapper (Director of Innovation at The Marist Poll) dig deep to give you a look at the inner workings of polls and what they tell us about our world, our country, and ourselves.